Name your favourite games


Retired Member
Mar 10, 2014
The topic is simple, name ur favourite game/s and why it is ur favourite.

I dont want to tie u to name a specific number like "ur top 5,3,1 etc" but i like u to describe why u like the game so much.

I hope to discover some forgotten diamants of gaming,

To make a start:

1. CoD: Modern Warfare (PC): besides its easy going action, it got me back to playing online after i skipped CS because it went shit ( 1.3). It made me appreciate fighting real ppl on a computer again and lead up to joining u guys. Eventhough im far from pro. it offers room to everyone who is able to use a mouse and keyboard, to spent more or less time just having simple fun.

2. No One Lives Forever (PC): probably my all time favourite. A game from the golden age of First-Person-Shooter's (2000). Aside its high-end graphics, it was the first shooter i played, offering so much story and creativity in character and level/mission design. The main character of Cate Archer was unique compared to the stereotypical "kill everything"-FPS characters with her sense of irony and actual personality. The story itself is somewhat between its rolemodels James Bond and Austin Powers, but leads through a broad variety of well designed places with suprising settings. The dialogues, whether in cutscenes or in game, especially the guards "smalltalk" make the whole package just awesome.

3. Perfect Dark (N64): in many things like creativity and character desgin like No One Lives Forever, Perfect Dark features a much darker setting and had a incredibly good 2-4 player multiplayer mode, which made my friends and me let our N64's crash of overheating. It features 40 guns, each with secondary firing mode, useful bots, a coop campaign, a control-system which has made Golden Eye the first good console FPS and huge variety of scenarios.

4. Project Reality: Battlefield 2 (PC): PR is a mod for Battlefield 2 about 8 years in the making. while featuring BF2's main aspects like the combination of infantry, armor and aircrafts, aswell as the squad based infantry gameplay, it takes everything a bit further. It reduces the availability of kits to squad members, makes u more vulnerable, delays the respawn time of vehicles and lots of things making the game hard. But all of that to increase the importance of squads, give u up to 4x4 km maps, make ur weapon do real damage, allow u to build firing bases with anti-tank/air, mortars and give u integrated Mumble support including ingame 3D VOIP. This game can be so rewarding and so cruel from one round to another, u may walk through a map to capture the next flag without seeing enemies for 15min, just to get killed by a chopper attack because one of ur squadmembers wasnt careful enough when he left the woods. But u may also attack the 2x amount of enemies and slay them just because of superior teamwork and tatics. PR features up to 100 players per server while the actual community seems to be less than 2000 players. While 100players sounds a lot, u will see how critical an individual can be because of kit limitations and how simple decisions can turn games. PR has two main gamemodes: AAS, mostly like BF2 Conquest and insurgency, find the enemies weapon caches and destroy them. It suffers from crashes from time to time and the community can be somewhat elitist, but once u got to know the game u can get hours of tension and excitement just from playing in a squad.

So now im curious for ur fav's
football manager series for me-the only game where you can waste away your life and still feel like you achieved something great :D
- SWAT 4: still I did not find any multiplayer shooter with a similar gameplay.

- Football manager: the only game in which I have wasted hours and hours offline without getting bored.
Populous the beginning (3D game from 98, was really good and I actually finished it + it's DLCs about a month ago)
Red Alert 2 + Yuri's revenge, still playing it from time to time.

CoD4, played for about 3 years after release, one of the best shooters I ever played.
SWAT4 played it after few months after release, honestly was my fav game of all times, that's why I am here :D

Now it's obviously CS:GO.
there're alot of games i love, respectively loved. these are the games i play "regulary" nowadays:

cod4: i still love this game :wub:
nba2k14: buy it and feel screwed. 2k fucked us pc-players again :angry: no online gamemodes as on consoles, alot of trollplayers with no dignity and poor internet conditions.etc. pp. aside that it's great. nice gameplay, nice graphics , the best basketball game so far.

little big planet 1+2 (ps3): play it with your SO. it's funny :D

skate 3 (ps3): skate or die! :D i always wanted thps like this. anyone remember thrasher?

bf3: love to play this with my brother. dont remember the last time we played tho.
swat 4
I will be always gratefull to this game. Because in that game I learnt things I'm still using, not just in gaming, but in real life. In swat4 I learnt basics of teamwork: not just how to communicate in teamspeak, as it understand people in other games, but knowledge how to provide support to your teammate, how to cover them, save their lifes and sacrafice own interests and frags for a greater good. Also I boosted my tactical thinking. I've not met any other game, where I should force my mind to make 3D map inside of my head with every moving player on it, where I would be thinking and planning not just for myself but for my teammate and the enemy. Also my aim was build there, before swat4 I was very lame shooter, but after playing there and killing motherfuckers behind "unkillable" barrels, counterspawnkillling in miliseconds, learning how to play other shooters became like a windy walk. And my english. In shool I studied Deutcsh. When i came to the game I could only "Me go vip. fuck you spawn. nooob!". And look at me now. I know eng far better than german, far better than 90% of ppl in my university, who studied it.
Alright, I'm done. Swat4 is the best for me untill the end of the days.

edit: I've almost forgot! CS suck dicks.
I like tactical games like the command & conquer series, sudden strike, total war: rome series.
A very nice game which I played for nights with a friend is hidden & dangerous 1& 2. I´ve never again found a nicer game for coop mode. In this game you can choose everything for every team member, etc. But it´s a very very old game. Was also nice in MP.
Red Orchestra was also nice for some time, but there were never many ppl playing it.
Last but not least is left4dead2. Also nice to play with friends on ts in a team of 4 ppl.
Stars of my youth :D
  • Age of Empire 2 & 3
  • Stronghold Crusader
  • C&C Renegade
  • ALL Splinter Cell parts (except the new shit)
  • Ghost recon advanced warfighter
  • Anno 1602
  • The Settlers III
Oh and a special one probably noone will know
the so called X-Games (X Beyond the Frontrier, X2 The Threat, X3 Reunion, X3 Terran Conflict)

  • Payday 1 & 2
  • ArmA 2 & 3
  • Company of Heroes

  • Swat (ofc)
  • CS:Go

SkandalisT said:
swat 4
I will be always gratefull to this game. Because in that game I learnt things I'm still using, not just in gaming, but in real life. In swat4 I learnt basics of teamwork: not just how to communicate in teamspeak, as it understand people in other games, but knowledge how to provide support to your teammate, how to cover them, save their lifes and sacrafice own interests and frags for a greater good. Also I boosted my tactical thinking. I've not met any other game, where I should force my mind to make 3D map inside of my head with every moving player on it, where I would be thinking and planning not just for myself but for my teammate and the enemy. Also my aim was build there, before swat4 I was very lame shooter, but after playing there and killing motherfuckers behind "unkillable" barrels, counterspawnkillling in miliseconds, learning how to play other shooters became like a windy walk. And my english. In shool I studied Deutcsh. When i came to the game I could only "Me go vip. fuck you spawn. nooob!". And look at me now. I know eng far better than german, far better than 90% of ppl in my university, who studied it.
Alright, I'm done. Swat4 is the best for me untill the end of the days.
Same here.

Games I played ALOT and which I really like, I'm still playing almost all of them:
- Diablo 2
- Last Blade 2
- Star Wars Battlefront 2
- Hitman games
- CMR 2 and 4 (when I had old pc)

Who needs BF4 and those fancy graphics games.
From my younger days it was all about Unreal Tournament and Doom. This went on to Medal of Honour Allied Assault where my team was 2nd uk and 3rd eu in clanbase. We no lifed the shit out of this.

Now its all about cod4, cs:go occasionally, battlefield 4, DayZ, any Tomb Raider game. Currently doing Max Payne 3 as i didnt play it when it came out.
without doubts SWAT 4
Before I started that game I didnt know ppl playing multiplayer ;) I didnt played other games before.