
nice im reading 2 books atm ;) the last don mario puzo and bourne objective ^^ crime thriller
post me good books here!?
im addicted to cod4! and when working im only reading ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Oscar Wilde+George Orwell= have alot of fun really.
' I'm a simple man. I just ask for the best of everything.' Oscar Wilde=)
george orwell i know ^^ nice science fiction! its not science fiction anymore! his book has become reality!
u can read lord of the rings too! i did! its about 1200 sites ;) u will still wonder how many is missing in the movie! but normally im not that fantasy freak, but this book is amazing! and if u had started u cant stop it anymore! its so romantic! :D
i have Tablet some time ago, but i cant read ebooks. Only normal books. My eyes cant stand reading book from monitor ;)
DarthGhost said:
i have Tablet some time ago, but i cant read ebooks. Only normal books. My eyes cant stand reading book from monitor :D

The Sony Reader has the new Pearl eInk Display... Looks very much like real paper. ;)
i still like to like ;) have u guys read any Agatha Cristie book´s they are awesome..but novadays i dont have time to read but i love to read :D
klnG_kOnG said:
george orwell i know ^^ nice science fiction! its not science fiction anymore! his book has become reality!
u can read lord of the rings too! i did! its about 1200 sites ;) u will still wonder how many is missing in the movie! but normally im not that fantasy freak, but this book is amazing! and if u had started u cant stop it anymore! its so romantic! :D
Underlying George Orwell's science fiction there is a political criticism towards URSS, just as Lord of the Rings, if you check when it was written and take in count all the events and factions u'll realize it represents post 1945 geopolitical and geostrategic world=).
Horny/murc said:
Underlying George Orwell's science fiction there is a political criticism towards URSS, just as Lord of the Rings, if you check when it was written and take in count all the events and factions u'll realize it represents post 1945 geopolitical and geostrategic world=).

hahhaha i have read LOTR ;) but i see u have gone 1 step closer to that book too :D
KrazyFire said:
1984 :D was gd but i think im still would rather be a crime thriller fan ;)

yeah 1984 is nice book.

and i really like to read books and i read many books so far . i like Jean christophe Grange -dan brown- adam fawler- etc etc