Grand Theft Auto: V, GTA 5

El Pistolero

Feb 7, 2012
Hey mates!
Few days ago GTA V came out and I gave rockstar a second chance after their Bullshit multiplayer cameout from GTA 4.
They fixed a lot nd finally it works to join easy friends or play with them. okay lets say at least it works to 90% :D long loading time and failed to join servers still exists but finally u can play together and have a great time. They set up many focus on details like u can play tennis or car races.
At all it's a great game and I played it already with few friends Like keyes, alex, zero etc.

I want to ask you guys if someone else got this game so we can play together on servers.
I also created a WM Crew just for fun ;) maybe it's the beginning of something great. Feel free to add me on the social club my nickname is MandyLane.

The only thing which is a bit crap is that the missions are only for 4 players. But we could also troll on the servers or play versus missions like deathmatch or versus missions.

Let me know what you guys think!

Big hug and much love! #nohomo
El Pistolero
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