Ghost Recon Future Soldier


Retired Member
Sep 19, 2008
I bought this game yesterday. I dont pay much for it coz only 20 euros but i regret evry cent i pay for this game.

In fact it's not working at all.

I installed game open it and try the campain mission. The mission was working only 40 seconds and than computer was crash. In other attempt game was working even shorter 20 -30 seconds and crash again. I decide to instal actualization of nvidia and game also. Ubisoft tells that game update solved most of problems. LoL after this game was working only in menu. I click campain and game kicks all drivers for graphic card. ( so actualization was working but in worse). In my 40 seconds of playing i saw more bugs than in all SWAT sience 5 years. For example Playstation signs. ( click circle, cross, triangle or square buttons) in game for PC. How the f**** in those days someone can sell in legal, product which dont work, wihout any consequenses. I read many opinions in net and most of people have same problems.

So BIG FUCK YOU UBISOFT !!! Thieves get my 20 euros back !!!!
Download game -> try it -> if u like it buy it.

remember it for the next time ;)
you read it one now, you noob !

btw. it's not about i like game or not. Or about 100 comment from peole who can't run game coz it was pirate version. It's about to pay for product which should work
be happy you didn't pay like 60euros then :/ but ye.. that's why I rarely buy any games. Maybe they will fix it, try posting on their support forum :)
Tbh all games I loved have been free swat 4 pirate cod 4 free key when I fixed someone's website LoL free game
well thats the idea of ubisoft :D

bring up an complete unfinished product and then dont even fix it after realease

its sad to see them going down with their quality..

I bought a lot of tom clancy games becuase theyre just awesome but nowadays im aware of buying any new ones. i glitched trough walls, wasnt able to complete missions, lost all my savegames, cant authenticate with online server etc etc..

i loved their games because of nice stories but nowadays theyre not even spending time to convert the game from consol game to pc game so that you have all these hints for xbox or playstation on a pc version.

makes me sad to see them selling so much shit :(
still, Ghost Recon whatsoever MUST BE > Sword of the Stars 2 :D. Bought that game via steam for like 20 € half a yera after its release and its still bugged as fuck :D
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: pilleman182
I feel you

thx for the warm feelings bro.. finally someone understands me :'D

still, Ghost Recon whatsoever MUST BE > Sword of the Stars 2 :D. Bought that game via steam for like 20 € half a yera after its release and its still bugged as fuck :D

i dont even know this game and 15 secs of youtube make me ask: what bugs can be in that game?! :D