Confession time

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Nov 19, 2012
Ok. Today PunkBuster kicked me out several times, because of a file named "Symphony_hook.dll". To be honest, yes, I was hacking, but something like in 2009, PB helped me out in finding the date. I hacked, cause I didn't cared about this game anymore. Then I had a huge break (as I mentioned somewhere) till 2012. Just after I got banned I deleted all hooks (hacks, whatevr) (actually A hook) but I see I forgot about this one damn file, that stucked there like an illness without symptoms (I love my comparisons) and now when I got back to CoD4 PunkBuster didn't reminded me about it till today. I know, I have to pay for the things I have done in past (3 yrs ago even) and I'm not expecting to be brought back in WM again. Anyway thx for the hours I had played on yours server and I hope I'll get my absolution :)
peace out!
I have confession too

Im in love i think her name is on my mind first thing when i wake up and my last thought before i sleep. I talk with her daily sometimes 15 mins sometimes 4 hours i get bored sometimes but i know i wouldnt spend my time anywhere else. When she is upset i will get upset when she is happy i feel happy too :D fuck you casper i have turned into you : p
I have confession too

Im in love i think her name is on my mind first thing when i wake up and my last thought before i sleep. I talk with her daily sometimes 15 mins sometimes 4 hours i get bored sometimes but i know i wouldnt spend my time anywhere else. When she is upset i will get upset when she is happy i feel happy too :D fuck you casper i have turned into you : p

Same here. It's called a penis :P
Oh gosh an hack downloaded itself and installed on my pc by itself! Grrrr firewall helped him out for sure! I'll say some dad words to him!
Man all this stories are old and FALSE. U cheated, U hacked, U can't be WM, I think U will even get banned from our servers.

Kf nice post! Great troll to Casper, and great thing for ur lifetime ;) U will make her happy!
since we're all doing it.. guys.. my brother downloaded a hack and installed it onto my computer! I had no idea.. I did think it's weird how I don't need to aim anymore but still! I DID NOT KNOW I SWEAR.
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I have confession too

Im in love i think her name is on my mind first thing when i wake up and my last thought before i sleep. I talk with her daily sometimes 15 mins sometimes 4 hours i get bored sometimes but i know i wouldnt spend my time anywhere else. When she is upset i will get upset when she is happy i feel happy too :D fuck you casper i have turned into you : p

Looooooooool Krazy, nice post, poetic in a way :D :D :D. What more to say, a man in LOVEEEE :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
wtf dudes, the second case in a few days?!?!?!? Cheating disease has come to our clan? Maybe its a conspiracy :P !!!!!
No cheating tolerated here dude! Unfortunately you are OUT!!!!!!! :angry: :angry:
since we're all doing it.. guys.. my brother downloaded a hack and installed it onto my computer! I had no idea.. I did think it's weird how I don't need to aim anymore but still! I DID NOT KNOW I SWEAR.

Looool Bean! I dont have younger brother or sister to make a confession also! I am jealous :D :D :D :D :D
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