Battlefield: Hardline (leak)


Honorary Member
Sep 12, 2011
So there is a leak discovered from new battlelog update about next entrie in the battlefield franchise. I'm not really into the series, but this info is pretty much caught my attention. According to that, the next game might be called Battlefield: Hardline. And this time it's all about swats versus suspects. Game mods are also included (Blood Money, Bomb Squad, Heist) aswell as classes (Enforcer, Mechanic, Operator, Professional). That's surely sounds interesting and i'm expecting focus on close quarters fights.
:) btw hello to everyone, missing old times :)

edit: Oh i see shoutbox, so you folks already into that :mellow:

here is the leaked gameplay trailer. Looks a bit different than i expected.
It's not a battlefield. It's some fucking mix of Payday and CS, maden on bf4 engine. Only name here from the battlefield series.
I'm a huge fan of Payday, and Hardline looks awesome. Fuck Battlefield, for me they could call it "WoW: Hardline" as well, if it's the game it looks like now, I'm in.
Havent played payday MP, just pirate one and in single player. It was boring, cant say much. I'm a fan of old bfs since bf1942 and for me this all looks frustrating. It's like Activision announcing new CoD, where you play as a fisherman and you need to catch fish. Yup, it could be super simulator with stunning action and great graphic, but it's not that you expect from CoD.