REJECTED application form :)


Dec 17, 2021
hello, I would like to apply for a membership :) here's my info
  • What is your in-game name? →1TAP

  • Which games do you play and for how long? →I play siege(since launch), RoN(since like...2 days ago), SWAT4(6years), insurgency:sandstorm(not that long ago),CSGO

  • Where are you from? →The Islamic Republic of Iran

  • How old are you? →16

  • Do you have a Discord account? If yes, what is your profile name (with discriminator, for example Someone#1234)? →it's1TAP#7606

  • Do you have a Steam account? If yes, what is your profile URL? →

  • Do you have a microphone? →I certainly do

  • How many hours you spend in game per week (average)? →10-30 per week

  • In which clans have you been before? If yes, why did you leave them? →I have not been in a clan before

  • Anything else you want to say? →nope :)
Hey Welcome!
Did you ever play with us? Cant remember your name other than from Discord :)

Join us in Swat and RoN from time to time.

GL & HF for now
Welcome mate!

We'll open a poll regarding your application, which will end in 14 days, although we might close it sooner, depending on the amount of votes submitted.

Good luck and we'll keep in touch on Discord.
Welcome mate!

We'll open a poll regarding your application, which will end in 14 days, although we might close it sooner, depending on the amount of votes submitted.

Good luck and we'll keep in touch on Discord.
:) <3
Hi, mate!

I'm glad to see that you are interested join us.

However, I must to say that, even taking in regard that you applied to Ready or Not division, it's not usual that unknown applicants succeed in the recruitment process.

Don't take me bad, but we are here since 2005, and accept someone, who apparently came from nowhere, would be a bit unusual, even for Ready or Not branch.

In order to try to fill that gap, could you please provide some extra information about your past in Swat 4, since you played it for 6 years long, like your ingame name for Swat 4 and servers which you used to play, so we could at least perform a background checking.

Also, feel free to add any extra information what you judge useful to fill the referred gap about your activity in Swat 4 scene, and help us know you better.

Please, take note that this message does not reflects the Clan, as whole, views about you in any way, but solely my personal view; and, those extra information what I'm currently requesting you has the unique purpose to help both of us in this ongoing process.

Said that, you are very welcome to keep with us, in game and Discord.

Have in mind most time you spend with us, more we will know you, and easier it will be to we decide if you are suitable to join us.

I don't believe in luck, so I wish you the best, no matter the outcome of the current recruitment process; and I hope that you stay around to enjoy that amazing game with us. ;)

most definitely; see, I was not into MP back in the day, bc I was really young then, and was kind of a squeaker, so I mostly spent my time, playing single player, with map packs(, or vanilla, I've played SWAT 4 for long enough to know my way around the maps and stuff, and I'm fully familiar with all the mechanics. one of the only things I don't know about SWAT 4 is that, HOW TF DO I ALT+TAB WITHOUT CRASHING MY GAME(XD); anyways, that is all, I hope this info helped you a little :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Stella and Linu
most definitely; see, I was not into MP back in the day, bc I was really young then, and was kind of a squeaker, so I mostly spent my time, playing single player, with map packs(, or vanilla, I've played SWAT 4 for long enough to know my way around the maps and stuff, and I'm fully familiar with all the mechanics. one of the only things I don't know about SWAT 4 is that, HOW TF DO I ALT+TAB WITHOUT CRASHING MY GAME(XD); anyways, that is all, I hope this info helped you a little :)
Ah, nice!

Thank you for clarifying that matter.

I am here to inform you that you have failed to reach the votes required for the trial membership.
Keep in touch and try again in some time!

See you around!
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