- Dec 17, 2021
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- 19
hello, I would like to apply for a membership
here's my info

- What is your in-game name? →1TAP
- Which games do you play and for how long? →I play siege(since launch), RoN(since like...2 days ago), SWAT4(6years), insurgency:sandstorm(not that long ago),CSGO
- Where are you from? →The Islamic Republic of Iran
- How old are you? →16
- Do you have a Discord account? If yes, what is your profile name (with discriminator, for example Someone#1234)? →it's1TAP#7606
- Do you have a Steam account? If yes, what is your profile URL? →https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199102279832/
- Do you have a microphone? →I certainly do
- How many hours you spend in game per week (average)? →10-30 per week
- In which clans have you been before? If yes, why did you leave them? →I have not been in a clan before
- Anything else you want to say? →nope