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  1. I wish all worldmafia members a good x-mas and a happy new year!

    Hi gents I just wanna say thank you for a fun year on the world mafia server. Hope to frag some of you in the x-mas hollydays. Eat well, drink well and have a nice christmas gents. Merry christmas and a happy new year from me, and the rest of my clan [xo] ( Cheeeeeeeeeeers!
  2. A question for the members of world mafia.

    Hi guys! Long time no see, i played a lot on your cod4 servers before battlefield 3 came on. I was wondering are you playing battlefield 3? Im in a Norwegian clan , we are a bunch of grumpy old guys:p ( ) We are tagging [xo] btw, and my ingame nick is RamstadQK. Anyways.... if...
  3. Hello from Norway

    Hi. My name is Torkel, from Norway and are 32 years old. Been playing fps games since the the early times of deltaforce 1. and played the series up to landwarrior. Played about 4000 hours bf2 before i started with cod4 and promod. Im also enjoying the stay on your hardcore server 20 slots:)...
  4. Got banned perm, accused for wallhack.

    Hi My nick is Brutalkuk and was playing on your server this night 22:36. i got accused for WH. i told people that i used sound and had a good round on the map citystreets/ district. Suddenly i got banned for no reason if you ask me. I have never been banned of PB or something else, i have...