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  1. great songs!

    GT 5: Original version:
  2. how do you imagine...

    I dont think so Jetty. She/He looks like a real pussy next to them
  3. multi owning :P

    great refresh
  4. Ban

    ban, or not to ban, there is always better chose a first answer
  5. How to apply?

    Google translator is fucked up or you just wanna orther guy shoes xavii?
  6. Gay? not anymore :D

    if you wanna spam , at least write in english! Jetson, You must be gay if as a "men: you always dream about wear. After Filix is married you always can rely on my vote :P
  7. How to apply?

    Topic is how to apply first: you must apply second: you must speak or dont speak third: you must be a women
  8. U.F.O say hi to all people here:)

    Welcome on forum :D About hunting the family, please at least spare the children :P
  9. Do You Believe in Ghosts

    You can show that list to girls, im sure they will be impressed.
  10. Do You Believe in Ghosts

    I see, even people who never "meet" Undecided loves him after a short time of known him :)
  11. Hre hre hre

    yea you fuckted up something Menc, and it's not a girl :)
  12. Eastern Europe GANGNAM Style

    I see u totaly dont see different between Polish and Russia KF :P There is more ppl in UK which have a life like he singed than in PL
  13. I need donations!!

    ahahahahahah i knew it :D
  14. I need donations!!

    lol and i have it for free :D
  15. Save the Boobs!!

    What men will not do to save life :D
  16. Why Turkish movies are not popular

    heheheheh.... I knew it, he try to confuse us by this mustache :P
  17. Why Turkish movies are not popular

    In fact thats not a film, it's comic series, but they sucks anyway :D
  18. Why Turkish movies are not popular

    ahahahahahah japierdole.... evrything was sucks, that scream, his face LOL
  19. ARMA 3 Developers Arrested:Support them

    If they make photos of military instalation without permission, what they expect? lol