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  1. SMAC Banned me on S><C Server

    Undecided; because markie is dead! markie live. your brain disfunksion
  2. SMAC Banned me on S><C Server

    you cheater . stop cheat you said that ''So the guy was innocent? FUCK SMAC '' no you dont innocent . trust me man. if i see you on server. i will ban you
  3. Merry Christmas !

    Merry Christmas wm family
  4. Happy Birtday SBSP :D

    happy birtday bob. we like you.
  5. Virus and his pig

    lol super picture
  6. Vacant ?

    yes bob
  7. Is TrUedUc a racist or an antitheist?[/url] this video bad . i dont supoort this video learn if you do not know? Knights Templars...
  8. Is TrUedUc a racist or an antitheist?

    kf said that ''hatred not an opnion its during ramdan 1 of the holiest time in islam and ur showing ur opnion or racism?'' . maybe he dont know this. maybe he know but we banned him . he dont know . this not democratic. west dont like us muslims . if we judged him . he dont know . this not...
  9. Is TrUedUc a racist or an antitheist?

    i played before manytime . i dont see racist about you . you believe god or not this your opinion.
  10. Hi from Sonny

    wellcome brother
  11. something about hector!

    this proof . you catched him . good job sbsp
  12. HappY Birthday Kamikazeeeee

    thank you . wm brothers . i am older 1 more year . tnkssssssss
  13. sbsp return

    sbsp return . well come bob bob and me play - Xfire Video
  14. Battlefield bad company 2

    i playing this game . add me kamikaze_2010. undi killed helicopter pilot . head shoot bum.
  15. Happy Birthday KrazyFire!!!

    happy birthday my firend
  16. Dream Team

    i addict dartghost dream team . this real team and add sandra burbon (1973)
  17. Far Cry2

    this game have good graphics and good guns. we playing on vpn tool like tunngle or hamachi. this game have many maps. if you want to install custem maps. undecided sbsp greek xavii me played before. look my xfire for farcry 2 videos. we tested farcry 2 with undecided . many peaple useing...
  18. HappY Birthday silver

    happy birthday silverknight. good years and good health
  19. Dream Team

    my dream team . dont ask anything 1) jokatrax 2)2_furious 3)marlbro_apex 4)chris 5)bola
  20. Happy Birthday SBSP!!

    happy birthday m8 .