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  1. Hi .....

    i did not give it to her . She took it while i was away :) . So i took the new washingmachine and the laptop and the PS3 and the 42" plasma tv and the .......alot . She took all the big towels . The bitch!
  2. Hi .....

    long time no see. Ive been in a bad part of my life with divorce and shit, and my ex took my pc so i cant play :) . But im looking at your forum and stuff so i know you are all still stupid and gay :D)). I will get a new game-pc and start playing with you guys again . Peace ! Ultraboy
  3. Crash tactics

    U know WW2 didnt have this amount of tactics all combatants combined. Will u actually remember this? I have to play another 15 minutes of it to remember the game. :P)
  4. This or That?

    White (innosence , michael Jackson and Blondes) Yes or no ?
  5. Funny Videos II

    u see bicycle top of stair just before car?
  6. SPAMTHREAD >>> Boy - Girls

    Ban DG for ban virus fuckspam ataturk
  7. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    Ban for playing Pro evolution soccer!!!
  8. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    no reason , just ban him!
  9. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    ban for making his boyfriend look like a girl in avatar
  10. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    ban for banning the banner who banned the banner that banned him in the first place .....hmm...yes.
  11. Mencjusz's Lover Wombat

    omg , am i at risk too?
  12. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    Ban for wishing picture was filix!
  13. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    banfor avatar f-ing my 65 yo mum....yuck
  14. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    ban filix for making his boyfriend look like a girl in avatar
  15. Polish History in 10 minutes

    omg. Polish history ? Who gives a shit? loool.
  16. SPAMTHREAD >>> Ban The Person Above You

    Ban DG. He is obviously copying my gaming to get better then me (like he ever could hahahaha)
  17. why I got banned ?

    haha surprise.
  18. A group of boys owning themselves xD

    Block internet pages? Wtf , and Turkey want to be full EU member? Its like china ffs. Fuck the antidemocracy forces. Its easy to set up tunnel and pass government-ban but it should never be necessary. Internet is part of our time ant to make population unable to acces internet is a crime. Virus...
  19. SWAT install problem

    he mean the Filix patch. The "one round killing and never die" patch.....;)
  20. SWAT install problem
