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  1. banned

    yeah...once afk i kick you and write the reason : go spec when u afk plz.....u come to the server again and are directly afk again...u just played me. its not about threating visitors bad, i welcome everybody that joins WM as long as he respects the rules. We are here to keep the svr clean, not...
  2. Banned again for..what?!

    ur part of the many guys i have a doubt on...ur on my orange list so u ll keep being watched...up to C to state on ur ban. Cheaters are always caught
  3. Daywalker

    yeah i banned him...after 1 year of deep camping he was using 3x frag or lmg spray i don't remember...well i kicked him several times and he never answered me, like i told ghost, he doesn't have a clue for anything like jetson said...he doesn't even speaks a word of english so after kicking so...
  4. wtf sort your admins out plz!"!

    well dude, everyone is welcome to say its mind in this forum. The only thing we ask is respect. On ur first post u disrespected us, u apologized, fair enough. we got brit members, that's nothing about country, we are an international clan and we ofc accept everyone. The thing u should...
  5. ~ Hello ~

    hello dude, cy@ on hc for some ass rocking safe
  6. Permanently banned

    it was not "shut up" but i remember you and i remember that day, it was a loooong shitter day and i lose my control. u came here and make an effort staying calm and u apologized, fair enough, let's unban him if he gives the guid
  7. wtf sort your admins out plz!"!

    jesus. i d not even ask you to change ur perks, but i d directly kick you with the reason "no 3x frag, change ur perks and /reconnect, thx" but when ur not able to keep your calm on such a small thing, then you do not fit to our server, which is allowed for open minded people only. have a...
  8. Hello

    hello dude, welcome to our forums !!! cheers

    nice, will listen to it tonight or tomm, gna answer laterz
  10. Hi all

    hello dude welcome to the forums ;) gratz for ur kid!
  11. Marcus application!

    this was not the place to argue bout it, i won't spam it more
  12. Oink! Oink!

    yo dude welcome ;)
  13. Hello. :-)

    hello dude, i hate you ingame, but welcome to the forums :P enjoy ya stay
  14. Sm0k1n

    if u came here to complain about smok1n go back home dude. if u pissed him off by breaking rules u have nothing to complain about. i know smokin and i don't know you. He's the one i trust, you were probably being a shittR like we have hundreds a day. We are men not gods and we have a life...
  15. hii!!

    rofl jesus Xavii is in supertroll mod. fuck me Hi marcus, cya around
  16. Marcus application!

    yo blood, hf ! cheers
  17. Hi all :D

    hello nig, enjoy ya stay, cy@ ingame

    thing is....promod at a certain lvl (not pub) is about moving fast when u play in a team and it makes the game more "arcade" than "war". But u cannot play with promod gameplay in HC with good results cause u get mostly pwns by perks...still u look way sexier and its much more pleasant to...
  19. Banned..

    mmh...i don't remember him @ all.....someone does? edit : if i wrote wh-aimbot/assist it means that he saw through the walls + had an assist to the aim which can be an aimassist or an any case the combo of both of wh-aimbot was so obv that i wrote those both reasons....i didn't...
  20. Banned..

    well life ain't easy, get used to it :D