Search results

  1. aloha all.

    Many of the cod4 players probaly already know me from the hc server - but i'll still throw in a little introduction, know i've become a trial member in WM. You'll find me on the server with the nick "zaR=)" mostly... unless i wanna annoy admins with my über haxor skillz, then im undercover...
  2. Ur native bands

    what does zajebiscie mean? xD
  3. Ur native bands

    Danish *rap* lyrics are awesome :D
  4. Ur native bands

    Danish rock band Volbeat, awesome music :) listen to some of their songs! Danish *pop* band, briliant voice =)
  5. awesome people.... - i win?
  6. GIGN THE WILD Hacker

    you need too watch out for that zar dude aswell - he's fckin awesome... he had 100000 - 2, only using knife... wallbanging...
  7. No x3 nade rule public discussion

    including casper, that 3xfragfagger :D
  8. No x3 nade rule public discussion

    Looks like its working now :) just full atm >< ^^ ty
  9. No x3 nade rule public discussion

    still banned:/ - used the nick namtab (reverse of batman) ^^ GUID: a0145055 - just checked a second time - was like monday or so I got banned i think.
  10. No x3 nade rule public discussion

    a0145055 is my guid and your the one who banned me beanie baby :( I just used a diffrent nick ^^
  11. No x3 nade rule public discussion

    Don't care about nades really, just hold back alittle or run faster :) But what I do care about is getting my perma ban off >
  12. aloha all

    So you only got juicy info about Casper and Horny? :) im disapointed! - off work soon woot, cya on the server in 2 hours time ;)
  13. aloha all

    Hey all, zaR here^^ just wanted too say hey too all, and let you know that now im gonna spy on your forum aswell! ;) take care all. zaR. *i r in ur forumz, steelin ur infoz*