- the homepage is too light and the background too dark
- can't find the Roster and the forum user list (with the "ban user"/"unban user" buttons) :D
and ... when i try to look at the forum roster i get following message (even with my SA and SM rights):
markmod allows:
1 vk each map
+ 2 tks each round
+ 4 times teamgassing each round
+ 4 times teamstinging each round
+ 4 times teamflashing each round
+ 4 times teamhurting each round
+ 4 times teamspraying each round
+ ? times teamtazing each round
+ saying twice forbidden words
did i forget...
i asked him to tell it in german cause his english sucks ...
he told that he always played fair, that WM is his favourite server and that he doesn't know why he got banned.
have all avatars and signatures disabled, and i don't want to enable it (i always get distracted by my avatar) :P
can anyone tell me if mine still works? :P