Search results

  1. Silver

    New Trial Member

    CHECK THIS OUT! look especially who is trial :D. PS: maybe update the list? :4:
  2. Silver

    Hello all, I am Mr_Anderson!

    Is this an application to join wm clan?
  3. Silver

    What the F***

    "Join WorldMafia Clan" broken? i can't apply ... :D
  4. Silver

    What the F***

    +1 - the homepage is too light and the background too dark - can't find the Roster and the forum user list (with the "ban user"/"unban user" buttons) :D and ... when i try to look at the forum roster i get following message (even with my SA and SM rights):
  5. Silver

    What the F***

    np, m8. that always helps :P
  6. Silver

    What the F***

    Format C then try again :D
  7. Silver

    What the F***

    yeah, i didn't even recognze it. i thought that the homepage is down and that i was automatically redirected to another site :confused:
  8. Silver

    Noops on WM server

    markmod allows: 1 vk each map + 2 tks each round + 4 times teamgassing each round + 4 times teamstinging each round + 4 times teamflashing each round + 4 times teamhurting each round + 4 times teamspraying each round + ? times teamtazing each round + saying twice forbidden words did i forget...
  9. Silver


    i asked him to tell it in german cause his english sucks ... he told that he always played fair, that WM is his favourite server and that he doesn't know why he got banned.
  10. Silver


    Who was on server when u got banned? btw the Si**** confused me earlier too :D
  11. Silver


    SWAT4 or COD4 ? and m8 use german if u want, we'll find someone to translate (me, carl, coop, google, ...)
  12. Silver

    Bitches on the floor

    a question for the next time: have we only 1 try or more? Audi? Ford? PS: if the answer is correct, someone else can tell the next riddle :D
  13. Silver

    Bitches on the floor

    martini? schnaps? cumshot?
  14. Silver

    Bitches on the floor

    we really need a poll to decide who is more gay than the others :D
  15. Silver

    Bitches on the floor

    Mercedes btw. ferrari hasn't enough letters! u gays should learn counting ... :D
  16. Silver

    The MATCH

    heteros vs gays: saying, "i will own u gays all alone" sounds too gay :D
  17. Silver

    Fu all!!!

    don't we have for something like this the "Fuckspam-Area"? ... and FU ALL! :D
  18. Silver

    The MATCH

    and then klick "Vote Now"
  19. Silver

    bugs on site

    have all avatars and signatures disabled, and i don't want to enable it (i always get distracted by my avatar) :P can anyone tell me if mine still works? :P
  20. Silver

    Interleaving Vs Fastpath

    he is still in contact with some of us, m8