Once upon a time there was a donkey that was farting into Ceeee's mouth. Also, he wanted cock to dinner, but he couldnt afford one. Instead, he went to his grandma and asked some midgets to cook him a cockroach, marinated in poop. Ceeee still wishes the best for her breasts. The midgets were...
Welcome Apollo! Glad to see you're on our forums. We don't have an xFire any more, though we do have a Discord. If you want to join, you can do so by clicking here! Cya in WM servers :PepeGodfather:
Thanks, although copy pasting a server's ip or using a bind to connect to a server is much more faster(personally).
Completely agree with the first part, which is why I was confused as to why the protocol was changed. Not to imply that there's anything malicious behind the change, but I am...