Recent content by EmoPig

  1. EmoPig

    ACCEPTED Welcome, Captain Trollzilla!

    The defender of WM against BadTime's spam, the hero we need but don't deserve!
  2. EmoPig


  3. EmoPig

    The Last Poster Wins !

    Yes, stop spamming please.
  4. EmoPig

    Guess who will post next

  5. EmoPig

    The Last Poster Wins !

    Excuse you?
  6. EmoPig

    Guess who will post next

    :DrakeYes: My smol frend?
  7. EmoPig

    REJECTED application form :)

    Welcome mate! We'll open a poll regarding your application, which will end in 14 days, although we might close it sooner, depending on the amount of votes submitted. Good luck and we'll keep in touch on Discord.
  8. EmoPig

    Friendly war

    Haha, gracias Gunmaster! It was really fun, hope to do it again soon! To be honest, your pings were really high, so that doomed you from the start, but nonetheless, even after such a long break, you guys played better than 90% of the current SWAT4 players :p. We'll keep in touch, have a great...
  9. EmoPig

    Hi all from Gunmaster :-)

    Hahahaha sorry Mary, my memory blacked out! Join our Discord or add me (EmoPig#5919), we can talk there if you want :p.
  10. EmoPig

    Hi all from Gunmaster :-)

    Hey Gunmaster, man! How are you? How's your family? I miss all of you! I see you already joined our Discord, so we'll catch up there :p.
  11. EmoPig

    Hello beauties

    Hey Nucleo, you crazy italian! Of course I remember you :). Hop on our Discord server, we're mostly there. We rarely use the forum now, since Discord has all the functions we need. Here's the link to our server: See you around fratello! :PepeGodfather:
  12. EmoPig

    WM Memberlist Update - Corona 2020

    Elevations: Sinaas > Senior Admin Xavii > Senior Admin Zugi > Senior Admin Jimas > Admin Relegations: Bane > Admin HowlinPelle > Admin DIABOLIK > Member SkandalisT > Member More changes might be made at a later date. Best regards, WM Management
  13. EmoPig

    ACCEPTED Hello

    Welcome and good luck broski! Protip: Hide your cat.
  14. EmoPig

    ACCEPTED Hi ok

    Benvenuto nella nostra famiglia! :PepeGodfather: