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  1. Just a suggestion

    Sup guys, noticed the website layout has changed a little bit and the banner accross the top is looking a bit pixelated and lacking a bit of quality, if you guys want me to have a go at a new banner kinda like what you have at the moment. Should be good getting my artistic side of me a little...
  2. Hello! (AGAIN)

    wassup guys, long time no see, im baaaaackkk!! not sure if many of you guys remember me but i was once |WM|Qizmo :-) Been playing on your server again recently and i thought why not to say hello! How you all been?
  3. |WM| vs [BAY]

    Well played to: |WM|Beani |WM|z3r0 |WM|JetsonRay |WM|Panic |WM|KrazyFire |WM|Miss-Death We absolutely raped the first game, i think it was 15-8 to us. Second game; we was winning 12-8, and because they were annoying, i got kicked, then permanent banned :D TAKE NOTE* [BAY] are [BAD] :P
  4. Sup guys!?

    hey guys, i have just recently registered and i would like to get to know you all better :D So, anyone here make youtube vids etc? :D